The Locus Science Fiction Foundation is thankful for the generous contributions of the following listed folks. Their support allows us to preserve the invaluable legacy of the science fiction, fantasy, and horror fields, and to continue to promote contemporary speculative fiction.


Special thanks to our most generous supporters:

Cal & Rebecca Henderson


Our endless gratitude goes to the following donors:

Linda D. Addison
Andrew M. Andrews
Anders Erik Martin Andersson
Richard Arndt
Ellen Asher
eSpec Books
Brian Attebery
David P Bader
Chris Balliet
Christine Hoard Barre
David Baynham
Deborah Beale
Greg & Astrid Anderson Bear
Lynn P. Behrns
Randy Berns
Chris Beute
Hans-Ulrich Böettcher
Laura Bollettino
Charlotte Boynton
Serge Broom
Diane Brunn
Bubonicon Inc.
Mark Buckmaster
Scott H Burgess
Joe Burke
Sue Burke
Dave Carver
Curtis C. Chen
Bruce Chrumka
Dawn D. Clark
Amy Collins
Steen Comer
Don Conway-Long
Robyn Corson
Patrick Creusot
Julie E. Czerneda
Kieran Daly
Louis D’Amario
Ellen Datlow
Margaret A. Davis
John Day
Miguel Ángel Fernández Delgado
Bob Dobson
Douglas P. Doucette
Thomas Eivins
Tori Eldridge
Amal El-Mohtar
Jorge Espinosa
Cleveland Kent Evans
Richard Factor
David Fawkes
Alecia Flores
Francesca Forrest
Dana C Frandsen
Jim Frenkel
Gail C. Futoran
Joseph Geary
Marc Guillotte
Andrea Hairston
Peter Halasz
Gay & Joe Haldeman
Doug Hamilton
Tom Harris
Timothy Hays
Fritz Heidorn
Cal Henderson
Karen Heuler
Teri Hitt
R. Leigh Hennig
Christine B Hoard-Barre
Reid Hoffman
Veronica Hollinger
David Hook
David Hopkins
Jennifer Hudak
Larry Ivkovich
Rebekah Jensen
Heather Rose Jones
Kat Jones
Kate Jonez
Melissa Karolak
Mark R. Kelly
Michael David Kennedy
Fred Kiesche
Dan Kohn
Timo Lagus
Scott Lazerus
Andrew Love

U. Mahadevan
David Lemmo
Allen & Brenda Lewis
Jessica Litman
Dave Mackie
Michael C. Marks
Robert Maisano
Marlin D. May
Jonathan Mersel
Patricia A. McKillip
Adeena Mignogna
Roger E. Miller, Jr.
Louis R. Mills
Christina Miser
L.E. Modesitt, Jr.
Rick Moen
Theresa M. Moore
Cheryl Morgan
Jennifer Morris
Duane and Margaret Morse
Ben Moskowitz
Cat Neshine
Patrick Nielsen Hayden
Garth Nix
Lisa Nocks
Rick Norwood
Neil Ottenstein
Michael Penick
Scott Pohlenz
Andy Pond
Florence A. Poump
Jonathan Prince
Eric Pugh
John Redford
Tony Renner
Eugene R Reynolds
Hannes Riffel, publisher Golkonda Verlag
Hermann Ritter
Christopher Mark Rose
Steven Rose, Jr.
Hyman Rosen
John T. Sapienza, Jr.
Scott Schumack
Risa Scranton
The Second Foundation
Stu Segal
Flash Sheridan
Shire Post Mint
Morey Silverman
Angela Yuriko Smith
Guy Smith
John Soltau
Glenn E Stambaugh
Stark House Press
Bruce Sterling
Marie Stewart
Ian Stockdale
Keith Stokes
Peter Straub
Giorgio Sudati
Cecilia Tan
Tom Taulli
Michael & Pat Taviss
Alex Bird Tillson
Ralf Timmermann
Michael Trial
Adam Byrn Tritt
Elise “Lee” Garnick Tritt
Giovanni Valerio
John Varley
Douglas Vaughan
Zoltán Velkei
Bruce Villas
Peter Warburton
Michael Ward & Karen Schaffer
Terry Weyna
Linda White
Chuck Wilkins
Connie Willis
Greg Wilson
Michael J. Wiskind
Congcong Zheng & Kourosh Soroushian
Joann Zimmerman


For a list of donors to the Locus Photo and Ephemera Archive Kickstarter Campaign, click here:

For a list of donors to the Lucius Shepard Celebration Fund, click here: